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I'm a fool really but there we are.

" Life's not a trial run- it's for real
   just like a game of cards - it depends on the deal" ( I wrote that) If you appreciate good wildlife art you must have a look at this site. I found it by accident. Lovely work. I do a bit myself, or I did till I saw these.

Have a look. They were heavily criticised in the past for planting spikey topped trees, but they do more now  for wildlife and native woodlands than most people realise

If you are into birding and travel this is the site.
Read the reports first before you go.

Extensive site well worth a click. Lots of pics, information and links. Another organisation doing good work for woodland in this country. Good site. All you need to get birds into your garden.(If they are around that is) My mate in Handsworth doesn't get a lot,  apart from Magpies. The parent group of the Wildlife Trusts. Join now, there's got to be one near you. ine is the Worcestershire branch but their site is a bit dicky at the moment. You all know about this one. have a look. They used a lot of my pics in Birds magazine so they are the coolest. Great organisation. You used to know it as the Wildfowl Trust, at  Slimbridge. I spent many happy hours there. Give it a whirl. Did a lecture there once. P.Scott gave me a signed copy of his latest book -good man.


They're not paying me for this but it's the best there is.!
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